Welcome To The Honey House
22 April 2022

We turned some frowns upside-down with the super-fun project, The Honey House.
At Flying Ruby Events, we like to look at things a little differently. From producing a tequila tasting hanging 50 metres in the sky to asking some of Australia’s top CEOs to lie in a bath with a python, no concept it too crazy. Which is why we were very excited to take on the challenge of managing the operations and logistics elements of The Honey House – an amazing upside-down house created by Honey Insurance.
The idea was relatively simple: Honey is turning insurance on its head, so, why not literally bring this concept to life and turn a house on its head? The execution, on the other hand was a little tricker, involving a lot of moving parts and people. “This project was the brainchild of Honey Insurance’s VP of PR and Comms, Amber Morris,” explains Flying Ruby’s Managing Director, Kelly Lewis. “She built an A-team around her to bring this concept to life and it’s been incredible to be a part of the journey, from concept through to execution.”
Integral to Amber’s remarkable team was Emma Delaney, who was the lead creative working closely with Amber to design and style each space. From the upside-down, bright pink kitchen, to the sunshine yellow bathroom (complete with freestanding bathtub filled with rubber ducks), each room is a mind-bending feast for the eyes… and a treat for the social feed. “We had many very entertaining meetings staring at mock-ups, and flipping laptops upside-down to try and envisage what extra elements were required,” says Kelly. “It’s been quite a tricky process working out how rooms will be photographed when your props are upside-down and you’re working with an Instagram filter which also flips the photos!”
Another part of the strong collaboration was Alchemy, who were responsible for planning, designing, developing and building the house from scratch, which was no mean feat. “I’ve worked with Alchemy for about 15 years,” explains Kelly. “They’re really brilliant at what they do and are always fun to work with.”
As for Flying Ruby’s part in the process, we’ve been responsible for managing the operations and logistics, from the event bump in/out, to activation, venue and staffing management. “The days have been long and busy, with all hands on deck,” explains Kelly. “There are always last-minute changes, but watching a project come to life on site is absolutely the best part. It’s why we love what we do.”